Uncover insights and share your findings.

Our fund analysis tool empowers both managers and allocators to answer critical questions.


Evaluate performance trends over time. Compare manager returns with benchmark returns. Calculate risk statistics such as Sharpe ratio, rolling alpha, rolling beta, and more.


Analyze exposures by market cap, sector, geography, and position size. Use manager-provided categories, industry standard classifications, or custom buckets.


Understand key drivers of performance across a range of dimensions and custom categories. Compare attribution statistics with benchmarks or peer groups. Use industry standard frameworks or our proprietary Novus Framework.


Evaluate risk exposures, current and historical factor exposures, and value at risk (VaR).

Peer Comparison

Upload fund data directly into the Novus Platform. Analyze according to your own preferences. Supplement your analysis with our 13F database.

Due Diligence

During the evaluation stage, upload fund data directly into the Novus Platform  to analyze according to your preferences. Supplementally, utilize our 13F-sourced public data for a more holistic understanding.


Export data and graphs into PDFs or spreadsheets. Create interactive reports within the platform and share them with clients, teammates, and key stakeholders—including non-platform users.

How it works


Share your portfolio of managers, and we will take it from there. Having connected with thousands of managers, we’re experts in data digitization and supplementation.


Use our flexible dashboards to explore manager data. Start with industry-standard templates and customize to fit your preferred methods of analysis.


Export dashboards to generate key deliverables: PDFs, spreadsheets, and digital reports. Our interactive reports provide a dashboard experience while restricting data access for external viewers.

Explore the Novus Platform


Take a look at our demo dashboard for comparing manager returns with a benchmark. Explore Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, trailing returns, rolling returns, and more.

See Dashboard


In this demo dashboard, delve into a manager's approach by examining current and historical sector exposures. Compare long, short, net, and gross exposures across sectors.

See Dashboard


This demo dashboard features our most popular attribution analytics, including the winner and loser summary, selection framework, and Novus Framework.

See Dashboard

Connect the dots across your portfolio

Complete your portfolio mosaic with transaction, allocation, and manager data offering holistic context for strategic investment decisions.

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