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Private Markets

Manage risk and understand liquidity better by automating your private market data processes, harmonizing all investment data, and visualizing investments with the Novus Platform.

“How are you making investment decisions if you don’t know what your current portfolio looks like?”

Michelle Silsbe, Director of Client Data, talks about managing data within private markets.
Drowning in PDFs? Time to automate.

Intelligent Document Processing

Bring order to unstructured data. Access the latest advances in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to digitize and process your PDFs into actionable insights.

Graphic of workers sorting through items in a stylized factory.

Your GPs send PDFs.

Cash Flow Notices

Valuation Statements

Quarterly Financial Updates

The Novus Platform automates the extracting, digitizing, and structuring of key information from GP provided documents.

Your team has consistent and timely access to crucial intelligence at the company, fund, and portfolio level.

Portfolio Management for Private Investments

Private Equity Performance

Review multiples and IRRs on an absolute and relative basis. Analyze performance at the fund or group (e.g., VC versus LBO) level. Compare performance relative to any benchmark via PME frameworks and Modified Dietz.

Private Equity Performance chart
Private Equity Performance chart
Cashflow Forecasting

Project future capital calls and distributions at the fund level, and roll these up to the portfolio level. Access the Yale model, other industry models, or upload your own. Apply different projection models by vintage, style, and geography.

Cashflow Forecasting chart
Cashflow Forecasting chart
Liquidity Analysis

Contrast the cash requirements of your private market program with the liquidity available in your public investments. Stress test your assumptions under various liquidity scenarios at the fund, category, and portfolio levels.

Liquidity Analysis chart
Liquidity Analysis chart
Private Equity Exposure Management

Measure your exposures more precisely via position-level rollup. Track whether exposures over time align with your allocation targets. Slice by asset class, sub-asset class, vintage year, sector, geography or custom grouping.

Private Equity Exposure Management chart
Private Equity Exposure Management chart
Portfolio Company Detail

Look through funds to monitor portfolio company details. Whether fundamental data, valuation details, and tags (e.g., sector, vintage, market cap). Construct valuation bridges to understand how your managers are adding value.

Portfolio Company Detail chart
Portfolio Company Detail chart

Understand Timing and Your Total Portfolio Opportunity

icon of a question mark
What-if Analysis

Model the impact of different cashflow projection assumptions and new private investments onto your portfolio. Evaluate how target exposures change under a What-If scenario.

Icon of a clock
Overcome Valuation Lags

Solve the frustrations around reporting delays for private investments. Estimate NAVs with marketable proxies until they are finalized.

See how with Ledger >
Whitepapers preview of ebook "Balancing Liquidity Constraints in a Private Investment Program"

Balancing Liquidity Constraints in a Private Investment Program

Idiosyncratic constraints, valuation lags, and market stress add complexity for multi-asset portfolios. Resilient portfolios are built with multiple liquidity levers, and operated by sophisticated investment teams who utilize all available data when making portfolio decisions.

Download White Paper

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Novus Platform a good fit for my private equity portfolio?

If your portfolio includes allocations in private markets, you’re a good fit for this service.

If your portfolio includes a large allocation in private markets and a broad collection of private investment types (VC, LBO, private real estate, private credit), this is an essential tool for understanding your private market investments. Additionally, Intelligent Document Processing and the Portfolio Management tools included with this service are especially valuable if you are:

  • Inquisitive and analytical—willing to ask hard questions about portfolio exposure and performance
  • Interested in linking analytics for private and public investments

What does the integration process look like with the Novus Platform?

We assign a data analyst and client relationship manager to guide your team through integration. The process begins by setting up channels for the Novus Platform to connect with your custodian, receive necessary documents from your GPs, or both. After extracting and digitizing investment data, an investment book of record is constructed which factors in your custom tree structure. The Novus Platform dashboards are also tailored to match your investment teams’ workflows.

How does pricing work for Private Markets by the Novus Platform?

Pricing is a function of the number of investments and the extent to which managers provide portfolio company data.

Can you show me what Private Markets by the Novus Platform actually looks like?

We were hoping you would ask. Enjoy a brief demo of our Private Equity dashboard.
View Demo >

$5 Trillion

Client Assets Under Management
& Assets Under Advisement

11 Offices

Worldwide (North America, Europe, Asia, Africa)

50 Years

Experience Serving Institutional Investors

Computer showing the Novus investment dashboard

Enhance your private investment process today with SEI Novus.

Our team of world-class client management analysts can provide you with a personalized introduction to our offering, focusing the conversation on your specific needs and strategy.